Create Your Legacy: Lead with Love and Purpose

Welcome, pioneering Soul; it's time to experience the deep fulfillment of your BEing, unapologetically expressing your unique Codes and Wisdom with the world, fully re-sourced from within. You are on a Sacred mission for a great awakening that breaks free from all illusions and leads others in that. It’s time to fully embody your Sacred Codes, create a deeply Soul-fulfilling life, and experience the Abundance of BEing. Ready to inspire others through your Embodiment?

Step into Your Power Guided by Love

The old energy has you searching for problems within yourSelf, but now you can reclaim your empowered Wisdom and out-create pain and suffering with Love. The New Earth is asking you to share your unique Codes and re-claim Abundance in every area of your life.

Imagine This:

You can continue focusing on fixing yet another problem or… you can BE fully re-sourced as a Divine Superpower. You are on a Sacred mission for a great awakening that breaks free from illusions. It’s time to re-member your Original Sacred Codes of BEing, shed the old ways of not feeling enough, and embrace the Truth that you are coded for Love, Joy, and Abundance across all timelines.

In this Sacred container, I’ll hold space for you to awaken your inner brilliance and step into your next level in business, purpose, income, Love, relationships, and more.

In this journey, I’ll help you activate your:

  • Love Codes: Attune to Love-filled relationships within and around, follow your passions to harness higher frequencies of joy, and claim your power to create a life where your unique beauty sets you apart.
  • Abundance Codes: Feel Abundant in every area of your life, deepening your Trust in the alignment of your Sacred purpose and prosperity.
  • Empowerment Codes: Amplify your energy and frequencies to operate from your zone of brilliance with clarity and confidence 24/7.
  • Divine Codes: Expand your energy to awaken your intuition and ascended gifts for that New Earth career, embodied radiant health, and to manifest the Abundance you desire with ease.

A New Earth awaits you on the other side of accepting your Original Sacred Codes and upgrading your frequency to receive the Abundance, joy, and Love you desire—without ever having to fix yourSelf again

This Journey is for You If You Are Ready To...

Make an impact by doing what you Love.

Manifest abundance and freedom to thrive in all areas of your life.

Live a radiant, joy-filled, and passionate life.

Center within your BEing, reconnect to your Divine TRUTH for guidance and clarity.

Deeply re-member your Soul's essence and activate more of your Divine gifts and talents to live your highest calling.

Unapologetically BE you, expressing your YOU-NESS with confidence and clarity.

BE the contribution you came here to be.

You hold the KEYS for change! 

LOVE IS A DIVINE SUPERPOWER—and it is time to discover its potency through your own experiences. The power of Love can quickly elevate and transform your life and those around you in the most surprising and joyful ways, and you hold these keys to unlock and activate these superpowers within you.

What do you receive in this 3-month journey?

6x Bi-weekly intimate group calls

Connect, share from the heart, and receive empowering tools and practical tips. Each call includes a group meditation tailored to the moment.

Deepest Desires & Highest calling module

Gain powerful new awareness and connect with the energy to manifest your deepest desires and highest calling.

9x Divine Embodiment Activations

Align your energy with your deepest desires and connect with your truest Self. These activations elevate consciousness and strengthen resilience.

Telegram support

Ongoing support between group coaching calls.

New Content and Deepening Support Code

As we start a new cycle, deepening support codes have stepped forward. More as we start 10 Sept. '24. 

9x Cosmic Sound morning upgrades

Potent energy upgrades designed as mini audios for daily listening, accelerating your progress and amplifying your impact.

Sacred community with like-minded souls

Share inspiration, challenges, wins, and talents in a supportive space where you are seen, supported, and nurtured.


Bonus #1

Access to the Cosmic Transmission Library with 9x empowering Transmissions

Bonus 2

Access to the Divine Embodiment transmission Library with 23x powerful Transmissions

Bonus 3

Access to the 2023 Library of Flower of Love Embodiment live call transmissions


Start your journey to true happiness and Self+Love right here. Join us on this powerful path of awakening, where you'll rediscover your inner strength, magic, and resilience. These tools will guide you through life's ups and downs with confidence and clarity. Choose how you want to join the Flower of Love Embodiment journey: as part of a group or through private sessions, see both options below.


Next group journey starts on 10 September 2024.

  • 6x Bi-weekly intimate group coaching calls
  • 9x Divine Embodiment Activations
  • 9x Cosmic Sound morning upgrades
  • Deepest Desires & Highest calling module
  • Sacred community with like-minded Souls
  • Telegram support in between group coaching calls
  • New Support Codes starting 10 September 2024
  • BONUS #1 + #2 +#3 



As an Private journey

Private journeys can start anytime.

  • 6x 1-hour Private coaching calls - flexibel scheduling
  • 9x Divine Embodiment Activations
  • 9x Cosmic Sound morning upgrades
  • Deepest Desires & Highest calling module
  • Telegram support in between coaching calls
  • New Support Codes starting 10 September 2024
  • BONUS #1 + #2 +#3 



If you have any questions, or desire a payment plan, feel free to connect through email at 


What Others Say

Jessica Falcon

"Kim’s words and activations go straight to the core of my being. The flower of love embodiment journey has brought me into deeper states of self-love and reconnection with my true feminine essence. It now feels safer than ever before to fully anchor my light into my body so I can fulfill my soul’s mission on this planet. I am eternally grateful for the experience, and I highly recommend the embodiment journey (and flower of love online program) to anyone who is ready to soften, open, and expand into more of who you are."

Pamela Power

"I treasure every connection, every activation, and every call I have had with Kim. She’s truly one of the most genuinely caring and gifted people I have had the honor to meet! From our first chat, I knew that meeting her was a blessing and would enhance my life. And I was so right! I am so grateful that I listened to my intuition and decided to work with her. If you want to embody love and feel a deeper alignment with your soul’s mission, you were guided to her purposefully, too."

Jola Hesselberth

"It's very nice to work with Kim. She supports you all the way! She switches very quickly. She always thinks in the light, from the light, with directness and lightning-fast precision. Not a word too much, exactly on time, so that the energy remains connected. The love codes are amazing. She takes you completely on a journey in this transformation. Kim is pure, and I feel supported by the wisdom."

Ariana Groenendijk

"Hello, I followed the program divine embodiment activation with Kim. When I felt into the program and what it could bring me I felt so much aliveness. Really embodying my divinity was a desire of mine. I already knew and felt it a bit, but I could feel there was more to explore. Kim is such a loving and compassionate woman. I believe I have never been able to go so deep and ground myself so easily when in activation of Kim. The life calls are extraordinary. Every time I got exactly what I needed at that moment in time. Kim holds the space with grace. She stands beside you, is fully present, and cheers you up. I felt seen in my love and light and in my humaneness. There is so much depth in the activations, they are profound. It is hard to describe in words what it did, you just have to feel it yourself. To let the words and the sounds resonate in my body, in my field brought up so many layers that could be released. Newfound space that could be filled with love and light. No hard work, but definitely noticeable in daily life. I feel calmer, more centered and I trust deeply in myself, my divinity, and the universe. I can truly recommend this journey."

An D’hoe

"The Divine Embodiment Activation was deeply transformational! It supported me in releasing veils of fear, doubt, and worry, and activated an unshakable trust within me and trust in the co-creation with the Divine, trust in my inner knowing and in my sacred intuition. I started to develop and experience unconditional love for myself and for the infinite possibilities to heal and release slower vibrations from past experiences or traumas. I could really feel the shift of stepping into my light and power. When I started, I was afraid of sharing my voice, now I feel empowered from within to share my unique truth. As I embodied more of my multidimensional Self, my gifts and talents opened up more fully, and I started to speak light language. Before the Divine Embodiment Activations, I didn’t feel complete: there had always been a part (of me) missing that I have now found and been reunited with. In a sacred and embodied, realistic way. I love to keep listening daily to the powerful activations and every time I listen they touch a different or deeper layer within me and reveal another dot or sign or piece from the divine power we all hold within us. This program supported me in building a strong energetic foundation within myself. I feel more resilient than ever before and I express my unique gift with trust, confidence, and a deeper knowing of myself as a being of light. It is such a powerful gift and blessing to work with Kim, she creates a loving, sacred space where you feel really safe, guided, supported, and loved to be all of you and to allow your divine uniqueness to come through. I would recommend this magnificent program to everyone who is ready to own and embody and share his/her greatness and unique divine frequency!"

This is for you if you are ready to... 

✓ Rediscover the joy of true happiness.

✓ Embrace Self+Love once more.

✓ Align your life with your Soul's purpose.

✓ Become the contribution you were destined to BE.

✓ Break free from limitations.

✓ Step into your next level with clarity and confidence.

✓ Live a life rich with purpose and soul fulfillment.

✓ Embrace your authentic Self with confidence and clarity.

✓ Remember, awaken, and ignite your Divine spark

Your Sacred Teacher

Kim van de Sande

Hi! I'm Kim. It's wonderful to connect with you. I'm a Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, and the Founder of the Flower of Love Lineage. I am a two-time international best-selling author and also the host of the Soul Love podcast. My main mission? To help beautiful Souls like you see just how much the power of Love can transform your life.

I'm all about helping you reconnect with your inner Wisdom so you can create the life you truly desire. As a Sacred teacher, I'll be there to guide you through change, turn your dreams into reality, and uncover your true purpose—all with Love leading the way.

Now, I won't lie—my own journey has had its share of challenges, from loss to burnout to illness. But every hurdle has only made me more compassionate and understanding. And that's what drives me to help other beautiful Souls find happiness again.

I live in the Netherlands with my husband and two amazing daughters. When I'm not coaching or speaking, you'll find me soaking up nature or exploring Sacred Sites around the world.  I'm committed to continual growth, to embody Love in its purest form and spread its transformative power wherever I go. Let's embark on this journey together.

Say YES to Yourself

Are you ready to say YES to yourSelf, your mission, and your vision? This is your moment to step into your next level and create the legacy you are here to leave, empowered by Love. Embrace your inner radiance and rise to your fullest potential.

Your journey to a happier, more Abundant, and Soul fulfilling life begins right here!